API Reference
- GETGet Loans
- POSTCreate Loan
- PATCHCalculate Loan LTV Dry Run
- PATCHAccept Loan Term Extension
- PATCHAccept Loan Interest Payment
- PATCHAccept Loan
- PATCHAccept Loan Rebalance
- PATCHAccept Loan Repayment
- PATCHAccept Loan Rerate
- PATCHAccept Loan Top Up
- PATCHApprove Loan
- PATCHCancel Loan Term Extension
- PATCHCancel Loan Interest Payment
- PATCHCancel Loan
- PATCHCancel Loan Rebalance
- PATCHCancel Loan Repayment
- PATCHCancel Loan Rerate
- PATCHCancel Loan Top Up
- PATCHConfirm External Disbursement
- PATCHConfirm External Interest Payment
- PATCHConfirm External Repayment
- PATCHConfirm External Top Up
- PATCHDefault Loan
- PATCHEstimate Loan Leverage Ratio
- PATCHEstimate Loan LTV
- PATCHExtend Loan Term
- GETGet Loan by ID
- PATCHPay Loan Interest
- PATCHRebalance Loan
- PATCHReject Loan
- PATCHRepay Loan
- PATCHRerate Loan
- PATCHSecure Collateral Loan
- PATCHTop Up Loan
Accept Rerate Loan
curl --request PATCH \
--url{organizationId}/loans/{acceptRerateLoanId} \
--header 'Content-Type: application/vnd.accept-loan-rerate+json' \
--data '{
"loanModificationId": "<string>"
"amount": "<string>",
"borrowerCounterpartyId": "<string>",
"borrowerOrganizationId": "<string>",
"borrowerPortfolioId": "<string>",
"createdAt": "<string>",
"createdBy": "<string>",
"currency": "<string>",
"debtRatio": "<string>",
"debtRatioUpdatedAt": "<string>",
"embedded": {
"childLoans": [
"collaterals": [
"amount": "<string>",
"collateralId": "<string>",
"createdAt": "<string>",
"currency": "<string>",
"loanId": "<string>",
"mainCurrency": "<string>",
"portfolioId": "<string>",
"unrealisedAmount": "<string>",
"updatedAt": "<string>"
"counterparties": [
"backgroundImageId": "<string>",
"counterpartyDescription": "<string>",
"counterpartyId": "<string>",
"counterpartyName": "<string>",
"counterpartyType": "standard",
"extra": {
"exchangeId": "<string>"
"imageId": "<string>",
"networkTag": "<string>",
"priority": "<string>",
"tags": [
"loanAllocations": [
"allocationType": "disburse",
"amount": "<string>",
"counterpartyOrderId": "<string>",
"createdAt": "<string>",
"createdBy": "<string>",
"currency": "<string>",
"externalFailureDescription": "<string>",
"extra": {
"acceptedAt": "<string>",
"acceptedBy": "<string>",
"cancelledAt": "<string>",
"cancelledBy": "<string>",
"confirmedAt": "<string>",
"confirmedBy": "<string>"
"fromPortfolioId": "<string>",
"loanAllocationId": "<string>",
"loanId": "<string>",
"mainCurrency": "<string>",
"orderId": "<string>",
"requestorCounterpartyId": "<string>",
"status": "new",
"terminatedAt": "<string>",
"toPortfolioId": "<string>",
"updatedAt": "<string>"
"loanInterest": {
"accruedInterest": "<string>",
"createdAt": "<string>",
"interestCurrency": "<string>",
"lastPaymentAt": "<string>",
"loanId": "<string>",
"loanInterestId": "<string>",
"realisedInterest": "<string>",
"unrealisedInterest": "<string>",
"updatedAt": "<string>"
"loanModifications": [
"createdAt": "<string>",
"createdBy": "<string>",
"extra": {
"acceptedAt": "<string>",
"acceptedBy": "<string>",
"cancelledAt": "<string>",
"cancelledBy": "<string>",
"currentInterestRate": "<string>",
"currentMaturityDate": "<string>",
"newInterestRate": "<string>",
"newMaturityDate": "<string>"
"loanId": "<string>",
"loanModificationId": "<string>",
"modificationType": "rerate",
"requestorCounterpartyId": "<string>",
"status": "awaiting-acceptance",
"updatedAt": "<string>"
"externalId": "<string>",
"extra": {
"acceptedAt": "<string>",
"acceptedBy": "<string>",
"approvedAt": "<string>",
"approvedBy": "<string>",
"cancelledAt": "<string>",
"cancelledBy": "<string>",
"defaultReason": "<string>",
"defaultThreshold": "<string>",
"defaultedAt": "<string>",
"defaultedBy": "<string>",
"disbursedAt": "<string>",
"externalDisbursal": true,
"externalInterestPayment": true,
"initialLtv": "<string>",
"initiallyRequiredCollateralUsd": "<string>",
"lenderFeeShare": "<string>",
"lenderFeeSharePercentage": "<string>",
"marginCallThreshold": "<string>",
"rebalanceThreshold": "<string>",
"rejectedAt": "<string>",
"rejectedBy": "<string>",
"repaidAt": "<string>",
"repaidBy": "<string>",
"requiredCollaterals": [
"amount": "<string>",
"amountInUsd": "<string>",
"currency": "<string>",
"mainCurrency": "<string>"
"interestRate": "<string>",
"lenderCounterpartyId": "<string>",
"lenderOrganizationId": "<string>",
"lenderPortfolioId": "<string>",
"loanId": "<string>",
"loanType": "agency-lending-parent-loan",
"mainCurrency": "<string>",
"maturityDate": "<string>",
"startDate": "<string>",
"status": "awaiting-approval",
"terminatedAt": "<string>",
"unrealisedAmount": "<string>",
"updatedAt": "<string>"
The amount of the loan
The counterparty id of the borrower
The organization id of the borrower. Obfuscated for lender
The id of the user that created the loan
Currency code of the asset being lent
Unique identifier for externally originated loans, must be unique
The counterparty id of the lender
The organization id of the lender. Obfuscated for borrower
Unique identifier of the loan
The type of the loan. See details
, agency-lending-collateralised-child-loan
, agency-lending-uncollateralised-child-loan
, agency-lending-first-lien-child-loan
, bilateral-lending-title-transfer-collateralised-loan
Currency code of the network being used to transfer the asset
The status of the loan. See details
, awaiting-acceptance
, awaiting-collateral
, awaiting-interest-payment
, disbursing
, active
, repaying
, defaulting
, defaulted
, cancelled
, rejected
, errored
, repaid
, repaying-interest
, interest-repaid
, securing-collateral
, collateral-secured
, releasing-collateral
, collateral-released
, closed
The id of the account which is to be the destination of disbursed funds. Obfuscated for lender
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the loan creation
The LTV of the loan
The LTV status of the loan (healthy, margin-call, default)
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds when the LTV was last updated
Additional data linked to the loan
The list of child loans - Only applicable for agency lending parent loans
The amount of the loan
The counterparty id of the borrower
The organization id of the borrower. Obfuscated for lender
The id of the user that created the loan
Currency code of the asset being lent
Unique identifier for externally originated loans, must be unique
The counterparty id of the lender
The organization id of the lender. Obfuscated for borrower
Unique identifier of the loan
The type of the loan. See details
, agency-lending-collateralised-child-loan
, agency-lending-uncollateralised-child-loan
, agency-lending-first-lien-child-loan
, bilateral-lending-title-transfer-collateralised-loan
Currency code of the network being used to transfer the asset
The status of the loan. See details
, awaiting-acceptance
, awaiting-collateral
, awaiting-interest-payment
, disbursing
, active
, repaying
, defaulting
, defaulted
, cancelled
, rejected
, errored
, repaid
, repaying-interest
, interest-repaid
, securing-collateral
, collateral-secured
, releasing-collateral
, collateral-released
, closed
The id of the account which is to be the destination of disbursed funds. Obfuscated for lender
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the loan creation
The LTV of the loan
The LTV status of the loan (healthy, margin-call, default)
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds when the LTV was last updated
Additional data linked to the loan
The list of child loans - Only applicable for agency lending parent loans
The amount of the loan
The counterparty id of the borrower
The organization id of the borrower. Obfuscated for lender
The id of the user that created the loan
Currency code of the asset being lent
Unique identifier for externally originated loans, must be unique
The counterparty id of the lender
The organization id of the lender. Obfuscated for borrower
Unique identifier of the loan
The type of the loan. See details
, agency-lending-collateralised-child-loan
, agency-lending-uncollateralised-child-loan
, agency-lending-first-lien-child-loan
, bilateral-lending-title-transfer-collateralised-loan
Currency code of the network being used to transfer the asset
The status of the loan. See details
, awaiting-acceptance
, awaiting-collateral
, awaiting-interest-payment
, disbursing
, active
, repaying
, defaulting
, defaulted
, cancelled
, rejected
, errored
, repaid
, repaying-interest
, interest-repaid
, securing-collateral
, collateral-secured
, releasing-collateral
, collateral-released
, closed
The id of the account which is to be the destination of disbursed funds. Obfuscated for lender
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the loan creation
The LTV of the loan
The LTV status of the loan (healthy, margin-call, default)
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds when the LTV was last updated
Additional data linked to the loan
Additional data for the loan
The interest rate for the loan in basis points (BPS)
The id of the account which is to be used for disbursing the loan to the borrower. Obfuscated for borrower
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the maturity date
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds the loan is meant to be disbursed and activated
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the loan termination
The amount of pending loan funds; can be positive and negative
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the most recent loan update
The list of collaterals allocated to their respective loans
The amount of the transferred collateral
Unique identifier of the collateral
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the collateral creation
Currency code of the asset being used for collateral
The id of the loan
Currency code of the network being used to transfer the collateral
The account where the collateral is being held
The amount of pending collateral funds. Can be positive or negative
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the last collateral update
The list of counterparties
Counterparty ID
Counterparty name
Counterparty type. See details
, clearloop-exchange
, agency-desk
Counterparty network handle
Background image id
Counterparty description
Counterparty additional information
Image id
Counterparty priority indicator. The higher the value, the higher the priority
Counterparty tags. See details
The list of transactions allocated to their respective loans
The type of the allocation. See details
, top-up
, repay
, rebalance
, secure-collateral
, release-collateral
, disburse-externally
, top-up-externally
, repay-externally
The amount of the loan allocation
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the allocation creation
Currency code of the asset being used for collateral
Additional data for the allocation
Unique identifier of the loan allocation
The id of the loan
Currency code of the network being used to transfer the collateral
The status of the allocation. See details
, awaiting-acceptance
, accepted
, cancelled
, order-created
, awaiting-confirmation
, confirmed
, awaiting-funds
, awaiting-signature
, completed
, failed
The underlying deposit id
The id of the user whose action resulted in the creation of the allocation
The failure description of an allocation. Only populated when status is "failed" and the failure reason is known
The account that funds are transferred out of. Obfuscated depending on allocation type and requestor
The underlying withdrawal id
The id of the counterparty whose action resulted in the creation of the allocation
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the allocation termination
The account that funds are transferred to. Obfuscated depending on allocation type and requestor
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the last allocation update
The interest of the loan - Only applicable for bilateral loans
The interest amount accrued since the last interest payment or since the inception of loan
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the loan interest creation
The currency of the interest payment
The id of the loan
Unique identifier of the loan interest
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the last loan interest payment
The total interest amount paid by the borrower since the inception of loan
The amount of pending interest payment
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the loan interest update
The list of modifications to their respective loans
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the allocation creation
Additional data for the modification
The id of the loan
Unique identifier of the loan modification
The type of the modification. See details
, extend-term
The status of the modification. See details
, accepted
, cancelled
The id of the user whose action resulted in the creation of the allocation
The id of the counterparty whose action resulted in the creation of the modification
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the last modification update
Additional data for the loan
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the loan acceptance
The id of the user that accepted the loan
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the loan approval
The id of the user that approved the loan
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the loan cancellation
The id of the user that cancelled the loan
The reason for the loan default
The LTV threshold at which the loan is in default
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the loan default
The id of the user that defaulted the loan
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the loan disbursal
Boolean representing if the loan funds are disbursed and managed off-platform
Boolean representing if interest payments are managed off-platform
The LTV based off the initial collateral requirement
The value of the initially required collateral denominated in US Dollars
Portion of interest fees allocated to the principal lender, expressed in basis points
Portion of interest fees allocated to the principal lender, expressed as a percentage
The LTV threshold at which the loan is in margin call
The LTV threshold at which the borrower can request a rebalance
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the loan rejection
The id of the user that rejected the loan
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the loan repayment
The id of the user that repaid the loan
The amount of the collateral required. Currently only a single collateral currency is supported
The amount of the collateral required
Currency code of the asset being used for collateral
Currency code of the network being used to transfer the collateral
The value of the collateral denominated in US Dollars
The interest rate for the loan in basis points (BPS)
The id of the account which is to be used for disbursing the loan to the borrower. Obfuscated for borrower
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the maturity date
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds the loan is meant to be disbursed and activated
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the loan termination
The amount of pending loan funds; can be positive and negative
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the most recent loan update
The list of collaterals allocated to their respective loans
The amount of the transferred collateral
Unique identifier of the collateral
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the collateral creation
Currency code of the asset being used for collateral
The id of the loan
Currency code of the network being used to transfer the collateral
The account where the collateral is being held
The amount of pending collateral funds. Can be positive or negative
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the last collateral update
The list of counterparties
Counterparty ID
Counterparty name
Counterparty type. See details
, clearloop-exchange
, agency-desk
Counterparty network handle
Background image id
Counterparty description
Counterparty additional information
Counterparty exchange id
Image id
Counterparty priority indicator. The higher the value, the higher the priority
Counterparty tags. See details
The list of transactions allocated to their respective loans
The type of the allocation. See details
, top-up
, repay
, rebalance
, secure-collateral
, release-collateral
, disburse-externally
, top-up-externally
, repay-externally
The amount of the loan allocation
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the allocation creation
Currency code of the asset being used for collateral
Additional data for the allocation
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the allocation acceptance
The id of the user that accepted the allocation
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the allocation cancellation
The id of the user that cancelled the allocation
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the allocation confirmation. Only applicable for off-platform loans
The id of the user that confirmed the allocation. Only applicable for off-platform loans
Unique identifier of the loan allocation
The id of the loan
Currency code of the network being used to transfer the collateral
The status of the allocation. See details
, awaiting-acceptance
, accepted
, cancelled
, order-created
, awaiting-confirmation
, confirmed
, awaiting-funds
, awaiting-signature
, completed
, failed
The underlying deposit id
The id of the user whose action resulted in the creation of the allocation
The failure description of an allocation. Only populated when status is "failed" and the failure reason is known
The account that funds are transferred out of. Obfuscated depending on allocation type and requestor
The underlying withdrawal id
The id of the counterparty whose action resulted in the creation of the allocation
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the allocation termination
The account that funds are transferred to. Obfuscated depending on allocation type and requestor
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the last allocation update
The interest of the loan - Only applicable for bilateral loans
The interest amount accrued since the last interest payment or since the inception of loan
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the loan interest creation
The currency of the interest payment
The id of the loan
Unique identifier of the loan interest
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the last loan interest payment
The total interest amount paid by the borrower since the inception of loan
The amount of pending interest payment
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the loan interest update
The list of modifications to their respective loans
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the allocation creation
Additional data for the modification
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the modification acceptance
The id of the user that accepted the modification
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the modification cancellation
The id of the user that cancelled the modification
The current interest rate of the loan in basis points (BPS)
The current maturity date as timestamp in epoch milliseconds
The new interest rate for the loan in basis points (BPS)
The new maturity date as timestamp in epoch milliseconds
The id of the loan
Unique identifier of the loan modification
The type of the modification. See details
, extend-term
The status of the modification. See details
, accepted
, cancelled
The id of the user whose action resulted in the creation of the allocation
The id of the counterparty whose action resulted in the creation of the modification
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the last modification update
Additional data for the loan
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the loan acceptance
The id of the user that accepted the loan
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the loan approval
The id of the user that approved the loan
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the loan cancellation
The id of the user that cancelled the loan
The reason for the loan default
The LTV threshold at which the loan is in default
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the loan default
The id of the user that defaulted the loan
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the loan disbursal
Boolean representing if the loan funds are disbursed and managed off-platform
Boolean representing if interest payments are managed off-platform
The LTV based off the initial collateral requirement
The value of the initially required collateral denominated in US Dollars
Portion of interest fees allocated to the principal lender, expressed in basis points
Portion of interest fees allocated to the principal lender, expressed as a percentage
The LTV threshold at which the loan is in margin call
The LTV threshold at which the borrower can request a rebalance
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the loan rejection
The id of the user that rejected the loan
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the loan repayment
The id of the user that repaid the loan
The amount of the collateral required. Currently only a single collateral currency is supported
The amount of the collateral required
Currency code of the asset being used for collateral
Currency code of the network being used to transfer the collateral
The value of the collateral denominated in US Dollars
The interest rate for the loan in basis points (BPS)
The id of the account which is to be used for disbursing the loan to the borrower. Obfuscated for borrower
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the maturity date
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds the loan is meant to be disbursed and activated
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the loan termination
The amount of pending loan funds; can be positive and negative
Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of the most recent loan update
curl --request PATCH \
--url{organizationId}/loans/{acceptRerateLoanId} \
--header 'Content-Type: application/vnd.accept-loan-rerate+json' \
--data '{
"loanModificationId": "<string>"
"amount": "<string>",
"borrowerCounterpartyId": "<string>",
"borrowerOrganizationId": "<string>",
"borrowerPortfolioId": "<string>",
"createdAt": "<string>",
"createdBy": "<string>",
"currency": "<string>",
"debtRatio": "<string>",
"debtRatioUpdatedAt": "<string>",
"embedded": {
"childLoans": [
"collaterals": [
"amount": "<string>",
"collateralId": "<string>",
"createdAt": "<string>",
"currency": "<string>",
"loanId": "<string>",
"mainCurrency": "<string>",
"portfolioId": "<string>",
"unrealisedAmount": "<string>",
"updatedAt": "<string>"
"counterparties": [
"backgroundImageId": "<string>",
"counterpartyDescription": "<string>",
"counterpartyId": "<string>",
"counterpartyName": "<string>",
"counterpartyType": "standard",
"extra": {
"exchangeId": "<string>"
"imageId": "<string>",
"networkTag": "<string>",
"priority": "<string>",
"tags": [
"loanAllocations": [
"allocationType": "disburse",
"amount": "<string>",
"counterpartyOrderId": "<string>",
"createdAt": "<string>",
"createdBy": "<string>",
"currency": "<string>",
"externalFailureDescription": "<string>",
"extra": {
"acceptedAt": "<string>",
"acceptedBy": "<string>",
"cancelledAt": "<string>",
"cancelledBy": "<string>",
"confirmedAt": "<string>",
"confirmedBy": "<string>"
"fromPortfolioId": "<string>",
"loanAllocationId": "<string>",
"loanId": "<string>",
"mainCurrency": "<string>",
"orderId": "<string>",
"requestorCounterpartyId": "<string>",
"status": "new",
"terminatedAt": "<string>",
"toPortfolioId": "<string>",
"updatedAt": "<string>"
"loanInterest": {
"accruedInterest": "<string>",
"createdAt": "<string>",
"interestCurrency": "<string>",
"lastPaymentAt": "<string>",
"loanId": "<string>",
"loanInterestId": "<string>",
"realisedInterest": "<string>",
"unrealisedInterest": "<string>",
"updatedAt": "<string>"
"loanModifications": [
"createdAt": "<string>",
"createdBy": "<string>",
"extra": {
"acceptedAt": "<string>",
"acceptedBy": "<string>",
"cancelledAt": "<string>",
"cancelledBy": "<string>",
"currentInterestRate": "<string>",
"currentMaturityDate": "<string>",
"newInterestRate": "<string>",
"newMaturityDate": "<string>"
"loanId": "<string>",
"loanModificationId": "<string>",
"modificationType": "rerate",
"requestorCounterpartyId": "<string>",
"status": "awaiting-acceptance",
"updatedAt": "<string>"
"externalId": "<string>",
"extra": {
"acceptedAt": "<string>",
"acceptedBy": "<string>",
"approvedAt": "<string>",
"approvedBy": "<string>",
"cancelledAt": "<string>",
"cancelledBy": "<string>",
"defaultReason": "<string>",
"defaultThreshold": "<string>",
"defaultedAt": "<string>",
"defaultedBy": "<string>",
"disbursedAt": "<string>",
"externalDisbursal": true,
"externalInterestPayment": true,
"initialLtv": "<string>",
"initiallyRequiredCollateralUsd": "<string>",
"lenderFeeShare": "<string>",
"lenderFeeSharePercentage": "<string>",
"marginCallThreshold": "<string>",
"rebalanceThreshold": "<string>",
"rejectedAt": "<string>",
"rejectedBy": "<string>",
"repaidAt": "<string>",
"repaidBy": "<string>",
"requiredCollaterals": [
"amount": "<string>",
"amountInUsd": "<string>",
"currency": "<string>",
"mainCurrency": "<string>"
"interestRate": "<string>",
"lenderCounterpartyId": "<string>",
"lenderOrganizationId": "<string>",
"lenderPortfolioId": "<string>",
"loanId": "<string>",
"loanType": "agency-lending-parent-loan",
"mainCurrency": "<string>",
"maturityDate": "<string>",
"startDate": "<string>",
"status": "awaiting-approval",
"terminatedAt": "<string>",
"unrealisedAmount": "<string>",
"updatedAt": "<string>"