sendSimple send to other address
multi-withdrawSend funds to several recipients in one blockchain transaction
account-setSet specific parameters for wallet in blockchain, e.g. messageKey for XRP
allowanceAllow other wallet to manage funds (ERC20 allowance)
smart-callSmart contract call for defi operations
multi-smart-callSmart contract call for defi operations with multiple transactions
activateActivate specific currency on wallet
stake-delegationDelegate funds to staking or move them to other chains/wallets where it will be used for staking in future with other transactions
stake-nominationNominate stake to specific pools
stake-undelegationRequest funds back from staking to make them operable
complete-withdrawalFor some chains after undelegation you should wait unbonding period and sign tx to get funds to operable balance.
stake-complete-depositFor AVAX to perform STAKE operations we need to accept exported (via STAKE_DELEGATION) transactions.
take-rewardTake rewards that were issued to operable balance
pool-creationTransaction that will register new staking pool with our vault address
edit-poolTransaction that edit details of a staking pool already created
governance-voteTransaction for voting in Governance
unjailUnjail pool that is controlled by wallet (BSC)
importance-transferAssociate importance for XEM wallet to specific public key
transfer-stakeMove stake from one pool to other
rebond-stakeIf funds are in unbonding period some chains allow to stake them again without waiting unbonding period
chillIf you have active stake, disable it to get permission to unstake funds (DOT)
cross-chain-sendCross chain send to other address