newOrder has been created
waiting-fundsOrder is waiting fund to be allocated to wllet to be able to proceed
reservedRequired amount of funds has been reserved on the balance
workingOrder is processing
waiting-approveAwaiting Copper’s approval
co-sign-requireOrder needs to be approved by an authorised organisation member
approvedOrder has been approved and will be processed shortly
processingWaiting for the minimum required number of network confirmations from the blockchain
executedOrder is completed
canceledOrder is canceled
rejectingOrder is rejected, now waiting for rejection transaction signature
rejectedOrder is rejected and blockchain transaction is executed
decliningOrder is declined, now waiting for decline transaction signature
declinedOrder is declined and blockchain transaction is executed
blockedOrder is blocked and funds are hold due to failed compliance checks
action-requiredClient input is required to continue processing the order
require-initializer-approveAwaiting initializer to approve order
waiting-counterparty-approveAwaiting counterparty to approve order
require-counterparty-approveOrder requires counterparty approval
settledOrder has been settled
part-signed-tx-addedPartly-signed transaction has been added
full-signed-tx-addedFully-signed transaction has been added
rejected-part-signed-tx-addedAfter rejected: a rejected part-signed transaction has been added
rejected-full-signed-tx-addedAfter rejected: a rejected fully-signed transaction has been added
awaiting-settlementOrder is waiting for blockchain settlement (requires a user action: press the Start settlement button in the UI)
master-password-requiredOrder requires a master password from the user to proceed
errorSomething went wrong
atomic-settlement-reservation-completedAll the orders for ClearLoop settlement can proceed and funds are reserved