In order to familiarize yourself with the operation of Copper Unlimited Online, the Copper Team has a ready-made containerized example of the service to deploy on your side.

It looks like one more image to deploy together with Copper Unlimited Online and is available on Copper DockerHub.

The application works as follows:

  1. The application pulls orders in the working and awaiting-settlement statuses using the Copper public API. If there are no orders available, the application enters sleeping mode for 10 seconds.
  2. Then, the application takes the first order, and if it is in the awaiting-settlement status, moves it to the working status.
  3. After this, it triggers the order signing request to the Copper Unlimited Server.
  4. The application waits until the request is either in the completed or error status.
  5. If the request is in error status, it fires an error; if it is in completed, it repeats the whole process starting from the first point.

To deploy and test the service, perform the following steps:


Configure your docker-compose.yml

version: "3.7"
  cu-server: # Copper Unlimited Online service
    container_name: cu-server
    image: copperexchange/copper-unlimited:latest
      - "3010:3010"
      - ${PWD}/key-backups/:/app/keys/                  # Specify the correct path to your shards before the colon
      APP_ENVIRONMENT: "testnet"                        # Specify the environment where you are going to use the service. Possible variants: "testnet", "demo" or "mainnet"
      APP_NETWORK: "testnet"
    restart: always
      test: "timeout 10s bash -c ':> /dev/tcp/' || exit 1"
      interval: 30s
      timeout: 10s
      retries: 10
      start_period: 10s
      - cu-network

    image: copperexchange/hot-wallet:latest
      - cu-server
      - ${PWD}/wallets-config.js:/app/wallets-config.js # Specify the correct path to your wallet-config.js file before the colon.
      APP_ENVIRONMENT: "testnet"                        # Specify the environment (see above)
      APP_CUSTODY_DOCKER_URL: "http://cu-server:3010"   # Link to the CU Online container
      APP_API_KEY: ""                                   # Your API key from the desired environment
      APP_API_SECRET: ""                                # API secret associated with the API key
      APP_WITHDRAWAL_PASSWORD: ""                       # Your Master password
    restart: always
      - cu-network

    driver: bridge

Provide shards

Backup your wallet shards and place them in the directory specified as an external volume for the cu-server container (in the example: ${PWD}/key-backups/). Do not forget to activate the created wallets in the desired platform environment and request to switch the corresponding vaults to hot if it has not been done before.


Configure wallets

The wallets-config.js file contains details of the shards. Below, you will find an example of the configuration with comments:

module.exports = [
        portfolioId: 'ckuwfho1y000p3e626z2zmmoy',         // Identifier of the portfolio containing the wallet
        currency: 'SOL',                                  // Wallet currency
        walletFilename: 'sol-wallet.copper',              // Name of the file containing the wallet shard
        walletPassword: process.env.SOL_WALLET_PASSWORD,  // Password
        portfolioId: 'cd213vvo1y000p3e62dd21dhy',         // You may specify as many shards as needed separating details with commas
        currency: 'ALGO',
        walletFilename: 'algo-wallet.copper',
        walletPassword: process.env.ALGO_WALLET_PASSWORD,

Place this file in the directory specified as an external volume for the hot-wallet container (in the example: ${PWD}/wallets-config.js).

As per the example, the resulting file composition on this step looks as follows:

├── key-backups
│ ├── sol-wallet.copper
│ └── algo-wallet.copper
├── docker-compose.yml
└── wallets-config.js

Start your service

Start your service with the use of the docker-compose up --build command.


Create withdrawals and sign

Use the specified environment of the Copper Platform to create withdrawal orders. They will be signed and pushed forward automatically.