Delegate (lock) funds
Delegate funds to a ClearLoop exchange using the Copper user interface or API.
When funds are delegated, they are locked in the client’s Copper Trading Account and credited to the exchange account. Two orders are created as a result:
- Withdrawal order in the Trading portfolio, containing isClearLoopDelegation under order extra.
- Deposit order in the ClearLoop portfolio.
Both orders are linked under order extra by withdrawOrderId and depositOrderId.
Note that the terms “account” and “transaction” in the user interface correspond to the terms “portfolio” and “order” in the API and codebase.
To delegate funds to a ClearLoop exchange, create an order with the following parameters:
The amount of order in baseCurrency
The currency of the order amount
Unique order identifier from client (should be unique for the portfolio)
The order type. See details
The id of the portfolio where the order should be placed
In case of a withdrawal on a different portfolio, the portfolio id of the destination account
The description of the order
"Withdrawal to my wallet"
The main currency of the base currency
Amount of order in baseCurrency
Base currency of the order
Order creation timestamp
The order ID in the external system
Order ID
Order type. See details
, buy
, deposit
, withdraw
, multi-withdraw
, wallet-message
, retrieved-deposit
, earn-reward
, earn-shared-reward
, claim-shared-reward
, cross-chain-deposit
, cross-chain-withdraw
Portfolio ID
Portfolio type. See details
, trading-vault
, trading
, external
, clearloop
Order status. See details
, waiting-funds
, reserved
, working
, waiting-approve
, co-sign-require
, approved
, processing
, executed
, canceled
, rejecting
, rejected
, declining
, declined
, blocked
, action-required
, require-initializer-approve
, waiting-counterparty-approve
, require-counterparty-approve
, ready-for-settlement
, settled
, part-signed-tx-added
, full-signed-tx-added
, rejected-part-signed-tx-added
, rejected-full-signed-tx-added
, awaiting-settlement
, master-password-required
, manual-resolving
, error
, pending-atomic-settlement-confirmation
, atomic-settlement-reservation-completed
Creator user id
Additional order information
Limit type of the order. See details
, rfq
Blockchain network of a baseCurrency
Organization id
The quote currency of the order (in case of a settle order)
Blockchain network of a quoteCurrency
Order termination timestamp
Order update timestamp