Create Crypto Address
Create a new crypto address in an organization’s address book
Crypto address id
Currency of an address
Name of the address
Indicates, if address can be used for network tokens
, internal-account
, smart-contract
, payable-smart-contract
Indicates, if address is whitelisted
Main currency (network) of an address
Address memo (destination tag for XRP)
Comma-separated portfolio ids, if address set for particular portfolios
Address type. See details
, internal-account
, smart-contract
, payable-smart-contract
Created at timestamp
Created by user id
Crypto address id
Currency of an address
Indicates, if an address is whitelisted
Name of an address
Indicates an address can be used for tokens on the same blockchain network
Address category. See details
, payable-smart-contract
, mining
, unknown
, self-hosted
, vasp
Extra information for an address
Last used at
Main currency of an address
Address memo (destination tag for XRP)
Organization id
Portfolio ids, if address set for particular portfolios
Last updated Updated at timestamp
Updated by user id