API Reference
- GETGet Loans
- POSTCreate Loan
- PATCHCalculate Loan LTV Dry Run
- PATCHAccept Loan Term Extension
- PATCHAccept Loan Interest Payment
- PATCHAccept Loan
- PATCHAccept Loan Rebalance
- PATCHAccept Loan Repayment
- PATCHAccept Loan Rerate
- PATCHAccept Loan Top Up
- PATCHApprove Loan
- PATCHCancel Loan Term Extension
- PATCHCancel Loan Interest Payment
- PATCHCancel Loan
- PATCHCancel Loan Rebalance
- PATCHCancel Loan Repayment
- PATCHCancel Loan Rerate
- PATCHCancel Loan Top Up
- PATCHConfirm External Disbursement
- PATCHConfirm External Interest Payment
- PATCHConfirm External Repayment
- PATCHConfirm External Top Up
- PATCHDefault Loan
- PATCHEstimate Loan Leverage Ratio
- PATCHEstimate Loan LTV
- PATCHExtend Loan Term
- GETGet Loan by ID
- PATCHPay Loan Interest
- PATCHRebalance Loan
- PATCHReject Loan
- PATCHRepay Loan
- PATCHRerate Loan
- PATCHSecure Collateral Loan
- PATCHTop Up Loan
Create Multiple Orders
Bulk orders creation. If the execution of an order fails, it will not affect the execution of other orders. Failed orders will be returned in the response. The bulk size should be less than 50 orders.
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Content-Type: application/vnd.create-orders+json' \
--data '{
"orders": [
"amount": "0.1",
"baseCurrency": "BTC",
"blockchainTransactionType": "send",
"deliveryType": "payment-vs-payment",
"description": "Withdrawal to my wallet",
"externalBroadcast": "false",
"externalOrderId": "<string>",
"feeLevel": "low",
"includeFeeInWithdraw": "false",
"limitType": "otc",
"mainCurrency": "<string>",
"nextTransferTo": [
"cryptoAddressId": "<string>",
"portfolioId": "<string>",
"targetType": "external"
"orderType": "sell",
"payload": "<string>",
"payloads": [
"portfolioId": "<string>",
"priceLimit": "<string>",
"quoteAmount": "10",
"quoteCurrency": "USD",
"quoteMainCurrency": "<string>",
"toCounterpartyId": "<string>",
"toCryptoAddressId": "<string>",
"toPortfolioId": "<string>"
"orders": [
"amount": "<string>",
"baseCurrency": "<string>",
"createdAt": "<string>",
"createdBy": "<string>",
"externalOrderId": "<string>",
"extra": {
"availableCoSigners": [
"availableSnapshot": "<string>",
"balanceSnapshot": "<string>",
"blockchainTransactionType": "send",
"clearLoop": true,
"clientAccountId": "<string>",
"coSigners": [
"coSignersNumber": "<string>",
"confirmations": "<string>",
"counterpartyPortfolioId": "<string>",
"deliveryType": "free-of-payment",
"depositOrderId": "<string>",
"depositTargetId": "<string>",
"description": "<string>",
"estimatedFees": {
"estimatedTime": "<string>",
"fee": "<string>",
"feeCurrency": "<string>",
"feePerByte": {},
"gasLimit": {},
"gasPriceGwei": "<string>",
"reportingCurrencyRate": "<string>",
"transactionBytes": "<string>"
"externalBroadcast": true,
"feeLevel": "low",
"fromAddresses": [
"fromCounterpartyId": "<string>",
"fromCryptoAddress": {
"acceptTokens": true,
"address": "<string>",
"addressType": "externally-owned-account",
"category": "smart-contract",
"createdAt": "<string>",
"createdBy": "<string>",
"cryptoAddressId": "<string>",
"currency": "<string>",
"extra": {},
"isWhitelist": true,
"lastUsedAt": "<string>",
"mainCurrency": "<string>",
"memo": "<string>",
"name": "<string>",
"organizationId": "<string>",
"portfolioIds": [
"updatedAt": "<string>",
"updatedBy": "<string>"
"fromCryptoAddressId": "<string>",
"fromPortfolioId": "<string>",
"includeFeeInWithdraw": true,
"invoiceId": "<string>",
"marketPrice": "<string>",
"memo": "<string>",
"nextTransferTo": [
"cryptoAddressId": "<string>",
"portfolioId": "<string>",
"targetType": "external"
"partSigned": {},
"payload": "<string>",
"payloads": [
"reportingCurrencyRate": "<string>",
"reportingQuoteCurrencyRate": "<string>",
"signed": {},
"spenderAddress": "<string>",
"terminatedReportingCurrencyRate": "<string>",
"toAddress": "<string>",
"toCounterpartyId": "<string>",
"toCryptoAddress": {
"acceptTokens": true,
"address": "<string>",
"addressType": "externally-owned-account",
"category": "smart-contract",
"createdAt": "<string>",
"createdBy": "<string>",
"cryptoAddressId": "<string>",
"currency": "<string>",
"extra": {},
"isWhitelist": true,
"lastUsedAt": "<string>",
"mainCurrency": "<string>",
"memo": "<string>",
"name": "<string>",
"organizationId": "<string>",
"portfolioIds": [
"updatedAt": "<string>",
"updatedBy": "<string>"
"toCryptoAddressId": "<string>",
"toInvoiceId": "<string>",
"toLendingInvoiceId": "<string>",
"toPortfolioId": "<string>",
"totalQuoteAmount": "<string>",
"transactionId": "<string>",
"transactionRequest": {},
"transferChainId": "<string>",
"withdrawFee": "<string>",
"withdrawOrderId": "<string>"
"limitType": "otc",
"mainCurrency": "<string>",
"orderId": "<string>",
"orderType": "sell",
"organizationId": "<string>",
"portfolioId": "<string>",
"portfolioType": "custody",
"quoteCurrency": "<string>",
"quoteMainCurrency": "<string>",
"status": "new",
"terminatedAt": "<string>",
"updatedAt": "<string>"
List of orders to create
The currency of the order amount
Unique order identifier from client (should be unique for the portfolio)
The order type. See details
, buy
, deposit
, withdraw
, multi-withdraw
, wallet-message
, retrieved-deposit
, earn-reward
, earn-shared-reward
, claim-shared-reward
, cross-chain-deposit
, cross-chain-withdraw
The id of the portfolio where the order should be placed
The amount of order in baseCurrency
Blockchain transaction type. See details
, multi-withdraw
, account-set
, allowance
, smart-call
, multi-smart-call
, activate
, stake-delegation
, stake-nomination
, stake-undelegation
, complete-withdrawal
, stake-complete-deposit
, take-reward
, pool-creation
, edit-pool
, governance-vote
, unjail
, importance-transfer
, transfer-stake
, rebond-stake
, chill
, cross-chain-send
Settlement order type only applicable for settle orders. See details
, payment-vs-payment
The description of the order
"Withdrawal to my wallet"
Sets broadcast mode. If true: manual broadcast. If false: automatic broadcast. Copper automatically broadcasts transactions to the network after fully signing
The fee level for the withdrawal. See details
, medium
, high
Indicates, whether the fee should be included in the withdrawal amount or added on top of it
The limit type of the order. Used to create settle orders. See details
, rfq
The main currency of the base currency
The list of next transfer targets for chained transfer orders
, portfolio
Serialised list of unsigned transactions. For Ethereum only type 0 (legacy) transactions are supported
The price of the order in quote currency, only applicable for settle orders
The amount of order in quoteCurrency
The currency of the quote amount
The main currency of the quote currency
The id of the counterparty to transfer money to
In case of a withdrawal, the destination crypto address id from an Address Book
In case of a withdrawal on a different portfolio, the portfolio id of the destination account
Amount of order in baseCurrency
Base currency of the order
Order creation timestamp
The order ID in the external system
Order ID
Order type. See details
, buy
, deposit
, withdraw
, multi-withdraw
, wallet-message
, retrieved-deposit
, earn-reward
, earn-shared-reward
, claim-shared-reward
, cross-chain-deposit
, cross-chain-withdraw
Portfolio ID
Portfolio type. See details
, trading-vault
, trading
, external
, clearloop
Order status. See details
, waiting-funds
, reserved
, working
, waiting-approve
, co-sign-require
, approved
, processing
, executed
, canceled
, rejecting
, rejected
, declining
, declined
, blocked
, action-required
, require-initializer-approve
, waiting-counterparty-approve
, require-counterparty-approve
, ready-for-settlement
, settled
, part-signed-tx-added
, full-signed-tx-added
, rejected-part-signed-tx-added
, rejected-full-signed-tx-added
, awaiting-settlement
, master-password-required
, manual-resolving
, error
, pending-atomic-settlement-confirmation
, atomic-settlement-reservation-completed
Creator user id
Additional order information
The ids of user who can approve an order. If not set, anybody with Approver permission can approve
Snapshot of a wallet available balance at the moment of order termination
Snapshot of a wallet balance at the moment of order termination
Blockchain transaction type. See details
, multi-withdraw
, account-set
, allowance
, smart-call
, multi-smart-call
, activate
, stake-delegation
, stake-nomination
, stake-undelegation
, complete-withdrawal
, stake-complete-deposit
, take-reward
, pool-creation
, edit-pool
, governance-vote
, unjail
, importance-transfer
, transfer-stake
, rebond-stake
, chill
, cross-chain-send
Indicates whether the order is a part of a ClearLoop
Unique client exchange's account identifier used for ClearLoop
The ids of user who has approved an order
The number of required approves for an order
Number of confirmations for a blockchain transaction
Settlement order type only applicable for settle orders. See details
, payment-vs-payment
The id of a deposit order where a withdraw was made to
The id of a deposit target where an order was made to
The description of the order
The estimated fees for an order
The amount of the fee
The currency in which the fee is denominated
The estimated time in milliseconds for the transaction to be confirmed
The fee per byte of the transaction
The gas limit for the transaction
The gas price in Gwei
The fee amount in the reporting currency
The number of bytes in the transaction
Withdraw is requested to be processed by external system. In that case we don't broadcast it to blockchain
The fee level for the withdrawal. See details
, medium
, high
List of addresses from which the deposit was made. This is an array because, on some blockchains like Bitcoin (BTC), the sending address can include multiple input UTXO addresses
The id of a counterparty where an order was made from
The object of a crypto address where an order was made from. Will be removed in the future. Use fromCryptoAddressId
Address type. See details
, internal-account
, smart-contract
, payable-smart-contract
Created at timestamp
Created by user id
Crypto address id
Currency of an address
Indicates, if an address is whitelisted
Name of an address
Indicates an address can be used for tokens on the same blockchain network
Address category. See details
, payable-smart-contract
, mining
, unknown
, self-hosted
, vasp
Extra information for an address
Last used at
Main currency of an address
Address memo (destination tag for XRP)
Organization id
Portfolio ids, if address set for particular portfolios
Last updated Updated at timestamp
Updated by user id
The id of a crypto address where an order was made from
The id of a portfolio where an order was made from
Indicates whether the fee should be included in the withdrawal amount or added on top of it
The id of an invoice where an order was made to
Withdraw memo (destination tag for XRP)
The remain list of next transfer targets
, portfolio
Partly-signed data
Serialized list of unsigned transactions. For Ethereum only type 0 (legacy) transactions are supported
The snapshot of a base currency rate at the moment of order creation
The snapshot of a quote currency rate at the moment of order creation
Fully-signed data
For ETH Approve transaction store spender address
The snapshot of a base currency rate at the moment of order termination
The address where the funds should be transferred
The id of a counterparty where an order was made to
The object of a crypto address where an order was made to. Will be removed in the future. Use toCryptoAddressId
Address type. See details
, internal-account
, smart-contract
, payable-smart-contract
Created at timestamp
Created by user id
Crypto address id
Currency of an address
Indicates, if an address is whitelisted
Name of an address
Indicates an address can be used for tokens on the same blockchain network
Address category. See details
, payable-smart-contract
, mining
, unknown
, self-hosted
, vasp
Extra information for an address
Last used at
Main currency of an address
Address memo (destination tag for XRP)
Organization id
Portfolio ids, if address set for particular portfolios
Last updated Updated at timestamp
Updated by user id
The id of a crypto address where an order was made to
The id of an invoice where an order was made to
The id of an lending invoice where an order was made to
The id of a portfolio where an order was made to
The amount of a quote currency in an order
The blockchain transaction id on an order
Data which needs to be passed to Copper Unlimited to sign the transaction
The id to identify orders, created as a part of the same order chain
The amount of fees for the order
The id of a withdraw order where a deposit was made from
Limit type of the order. See details
, rfq
Blockchain network of a baseCurrency
Organization id
The quote currency of the order (in case of a settle order)
Blockchain network of a quoteCurrency
Order termination timestamp
Order update timestamp
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Content-Type: application/vnd.create-orders+json' \
--data '{
"orders": [
"amount": "0.1",
"baseCurrency": "BTC",
"blockchainTransactionType": "send",
"deliveryType": "payment-vs-payment",
"description": "Withdrawal to my wallet",
"externalBroadcast": "false",
"externalOrderId": "<string>",
"feeLevel": "low",
"includeFeeInWithdraw": "false",
"limitType": "otc",
"mainCurrency": "<string>",
"nextTransferTo": [
"cryptoAddressId": "<string>",
"portfolioId": "<string>",
"targetType": "external"
"orderType": "sell",
"payload": "<string>",
"payloads": [
"portfolioId": "<string>",
"priceLimit": "<string>",
"quoteAmount": "10",
"quoteCurrency": "USD",
"quoteMainCurrency": "<string>",
"toCounterpartyId": "<string>",
"toCryptoAddressId": "<string>",
"toPortfolioId": "<string>"
"orders": [
"amount": "<string>",
"baseCurrency": "<string>",
"createdAt": "<string>",
"createdBy": "<string>",
"externalOrderId": "<string>",
"extra": {
"availableCoSigners": [
"availableSnapshot": "<string>",
"balanceSnapshot": "<string>",
"blockchainTransactionType": "send",
"clearLoop": true,
"clientAccountId": "<string>",
"coSigners": [
"coSignersNumber": "<string>",
"confirmations": "<string>",
"counterpartyPortfolioId": "<string>",
"deliveryType": "free-of-payment",
"depositOrderId": "<string>",
"depositTargetId": "<string>",
"description": "<string>",
"estimatedFees": {
"estimatedTime": "<string>",
"fee": "<string>",
"feeCurrency": "<string>",
"feePerByte": {},
"gasLimit": {},
"gasPriceGwei": "<string>",
"reportingCurrencyRate": "<string>",
"transactionBytes": "<string>"
"externalBroadcast": true,
"feeLevel": "low",
"fromAddresses": [
"fromCounterpartyId": "<string>",
"fromCryptoAddress": {
"acceptTokens": true,
"address": "<string>",
"addressType": "externally-owned-account",
"category": "smart-contract",
"createdAt": "<string>",
"createdBy": "<string>",
"cryptoAddressId": "<string>",
"currency": "<string>",
"extra": {},
"isWhitelist": true,
"lastUsedAt": "<string>",
"mainCurrency": "<string>",
"memo": "<string>",
"name": "<string>",
"organizationId": "<string>",
"portfolioIds": [
"updatedAt": "<string>",
"updatedBy": "<string>"
"fromCryptoAddressId": "<string>",
"fromPortfolioId": "<string>",
"includeFeeInWithdraw": true,
"invoiceId": "<string>",
"marketPrice": "<string>",
"memo": "<string>",
"nextTransferTo": [
"cryptoAddressId": "<string>",
"portfolioId": "<string>",
"targetType": "external"
"partSigned": {},
"payload": "<string>",
"payloads": [
"reportingCurrencyRate": "<string>",
"reportingQuoteCurrencyRate": "<string>",
"signed": {},
"spenderAddress": "<string>",
"terminatedReportingCurrencyRate": "<string>",
"toAddress": "<string>",
"toCounterpartyId": "<string>",
"toCryptoAddress": {
"acceptTokens": true,
"address": "<string>",
"addressType": "externally-owned-account",
"category": "smart-contract",
"createdAt": "<string>",
"createdBy": "<string>",
"cryptoAddressId": "<string>",
"currency": "<string>",
"extra": {},
"isWhitelist": true,
"lastUsedAt": "<string>",
"mainCurrency": "<string>",
"memo": "<string>",
"name": "<string>",
"organizationId": "<string>",
"portfolioIds": [
"updatedAt": "<string>",
"updatedBy": "<string>"
"toCryptoAddressId": "<string>",
"toInvoiceId": "<string>",
"toLendingInvoiceId": "<string>",
"toPortfolioId": "<string>",
"totalQuoteAmount": "<string>",
"transactionId": "<string>",
"transactionRequest": {},
"transferChainId": "<string>",
"withdrawFee": "<string>",
"withdrawOrderId": "<string>"
"limitType": "otc",
"mainCurrency": "<string>",
"orderId": "<string>",
"orderType": "sell",
"organizationId": "<string>",
"portfolioId": "<string>",
"portfolioType": "custody",
"quoteCurrency": "<string>",
"quoteMainCurrency": "<string>",
"status": "new",
"terminatedAt": "<string>",
"updatedAt": "<string>"